Stonecipher 113 & 126 Neema Avashia and Ann Pancake “We're All We've Got: Fighting for Appalachia When Institutions Fail Us” A conversation between Neema Avashia and Ann Pancake, who have produced major literary works advocating for the region.
Saturday March 22, 2025 1:00pm - 2:15pm CDT
Stonecipher Hall125 Wings Up Way, Cookeville, TN 38501
RUC, Tech Pride Room Steering committee members will be in attendance for a meet and greet. Visit the publisher’s reception and book signing while you are here which will be ongoing at the same time and place.
RUC, Tech Pride Room Sponsored by the University Press of Kentucky Mingle, enjoy light refreshments, and get your books signed. All conference attendees are welcome.